(330) 865 - 0101
Tuesday - Sunday
8am - 3pm

In a time where most street corners are dotted with chain restaurants, we'd like to welcome you to something more personal: a family-owned restaurant where our goal is not only to know your name, but how you like your coffee.
Where good, home-cooked food is the order of the day and only the freshest ingredients are used.
Where you can eat breakfast all day or a reuben at 7AM. A place where you can just come, be yourself and fill up on our "Diner Food with a Gourmet Twist and a Hint of Southern Roots".
Thank you for visiting Valley Café. My family, my friends, my customers and my restaurants are the most important things in my life. For over 30 years I have given everything to the restaurant industry. The joy I feel of being a restaurant owner is returned every single day when my staff and I get to serve you our amazing food and customer service. Thank you for being part of our amazing journey.
For over 30 years Chef BJ has had his fingers in the restaurant business. It started when he put himself through college by owning a Greek restaurant near the campus of Florida State University (Go Noles!). After earning his degree in Finance and Marketing, he went into corporate America and enjoyed a successful career for over 20 years; but he never gave up on owning another restaurant.
Once he and his wife, Nicole, got married and started a family, they both realized that they had an entrepreneurial spirit that traditional jobs could not satisfy. They longed to work in an environment where they could live in their priorities: God, Family, Career, rather than someone else's.
Nicole's opportunity arrived first when over 20 years ago she started a business selling lipstick and developing leaders for a "world-famous cosmetics company". It is a company that fiercely guards its trademark, but here's a hint: 2 of her 11 company cars have been Pink Cadillacs! For more clues go to:
In August 2008, BJ and Nicole purchased the Valley Café, fulfilling BJ’s dream to be back in the restaurant world while still being able to be home at night with his family. Then in the spring of 2015 they opened their second location in Wadsworth.
BJ’s background in fine dining and his southern roots, coupled with his love of basic homemade dishes gives our food a unique flavor that you won't find anywhere else.
Both BJ and Nicole are here regularly. They are all just here "living the dream" and we invite you to be a part of it.